Haunted Attraction Photography by Christopher Hall
Haunted Forest  (2005-10-27)
This was a quick night.  Though I only got a few pictures in this night, these were pretty good.  I had to leave very early to cover a Halloween party for Strong College (CSC Picture Project).
You'll notice I included only one group of people being scared.  Even so, these girls were great!  Nothing compliments a haunted attraction and gets everyone fired up more than people screaming and participating in the action!  It makes it all worthwhile--just ask any actor/actress you encounter.
This album is part of Christopher Hall's Haunted Pictures collection.
Pictures:  10.     Some edited & all watermarked.

These pictures are copyright me, and are authorized for posting only on the NC Haunted Forest web site. Please do not publish, distribute, print, sell, direct link, repost, copy, or otherwise reuse my pictures without my explicit permission.